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Gallery of Hyperlane Linear Sky Park _ ASPECT Studios - 4

Green Project

Gedeco Joint Stock Company cooperates with
Napier Salvador

  • Cultural Park: This is a place that regularly organizes cultural activities, events, programs, etc. Therefore, when designing a cultural park, it is necessary to have a large yard to organize activities and programs.
  • Ecological conservation park: Designers need to limit the change of nature and human intervention in this park. Because this can damage the environment or the natural ecosystem.
    Green Park: The purpose of this park is to bring green as well as increase the number of trees for the city. Therefore, it is necessary to plant more trees but still have paths and rest for everyone when designing a green park landscape.
  • Amusement park: As the name suggests, this is an amusement park for everyone. Therefore, it is necessary to design amusement parks as well as games suitable for the park, but still maintain sports activities when designing the park.

Natural landscape

Green Park

environmental friendliness of green park landscape

Here, LASC would like to share with you the detailed price list of the service park landscape design . LASC can change this quotation to suit the needs as well as financial balance for contractors and investors:

Area (m2) Estimated investment rate (million VND/m2)
Under 3.5 From 3.5 – 4.5 From 4.5 –  5.5 Up 5.5
70-200 160,000 180,000 200,000 220,000
201-300 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000
300–400 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000
401–500 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000

* The above price does not include VAT. When customers use the package design and construction of the park landscape at LASC, they will receive a discount of 50% of the design cost.